Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best treatment for hormonal acne in adult woman

« ...To use it as a topical ointment, make a paste of turmeric combined with oil such as coconut oil, sesame oil or olive oil and warm it a little before dabbing it on your zit, leave it overnight. Results can be seen after 2-3 days of application and the best thing is it does not leave any scar or blemish on your face or on the skin. ...
...Everyone wants clear, healthy skin but many of us think it takes a lengthy daily routine to achieve it. We've all read about people who use a battalion of expensive lotions and ointments on their skin and we may wish we had the time and money to do the same. The good news is that it takes very little time and money to achieve the same healthy, clear and glowing skin that we envy in others!...»
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«...Your diet plays an enormous role in helping you cure acne. When you consume junk food you are filling your body with the right ingredients to produce acne on your skin. What you want to try to do is cut out as much junk food as possible from your diet. This includes, but is not at all limited to: chocolate, candy, sweets, cake, etc. A great suggestion is to replace these things with much healthier snacks. A perfect solution would be to implement carrots as a snack in place of the other junk, because carrots are known for helping to heal acne. When you have a balanced and healthy diet in place your body will not have the oily junk food and will have better tools to help fight off the acne. This will drastically help you cut down the number, frequency, and severity of acne outbreaks. One more great way to help your acne treatment is by reducing stress....»
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tags: how to get rid of acne scars fast, how do you take off acne forever, st ives peel off hydroxy masque acne treatment

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